“Reformed evangelism.” I used to think this was an oxymoron, that Arminians ask people to choose, and that Calvinists let the Arminians do the work of the evangelists. I thought that the Calvinists would teach converts the doctrines of the faith once . . . Continue reading →
Negotiating With Polyamory: A Snapshot Of Evangelicalism In 2020
H. Richard Niebuhr (1894–1962) is the slightly less famous younger brother of Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971). The latter was a favorite of two presidents, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama. The former is most famous for his 1951 book, Christ and Culture, though his early work, The Social Sources of Denominationalism (1929) and The Kingdom of God in America (1937) remain influential. In the latter he perfectly characterized liberal Christianity as that in which “A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross.” In Christ and Culture he offered a taxonomy of Christian approaches Continue reading →
Time Traveling Through The City Church Website
The internet is both a marvel and a curse. One marvel is that through it, we can, if we will, time travel. This occurred to me after listening to an episode of the Presbycast in which someone mentioned City Church of San . . . Continue reading →
Rosaria Explains Intersectionality In One Paragraph
… How have we arrived at a place where students on elite college campuses perceive objective truth as a threat to personal safety and authentic selfhood? The answer is intersectionality, an analytical tool introduced in humanities and social science departments in U.S. . . . Continue reading →
How Did We Get To Drag Queen Story Hour?
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) is a key source, with his provocative notion that human learning—the “arts and sciences” of his First Discourse—is actually that which corrupts us and hinders us being truly ourselves. Uncultured instincts and feelings are really who we are; civilization . . . Continue reading →
Queerness Is The Apotheosis Of The Therapeutic Culture
Queerness has conquered America because it is the distilled essence of the country’s post-1960s therapeutic culture. The therapeutic originates with Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. From its beginning, the goal of psychoanalysis has been the salvation of the suffering self. Therapeutic . . . Continue reading →
J. K. Rowling On Why Some Girls Are Experiencing Gender Dysphoria
Most people probably aren’t aware – I certainly wasn’t, until I started researching this issue properly – that ten years ago, the majority of people wanting to transition to the opposite sex were male. That ratio has now reversed. The UK has . . . Continue reading →
Alito And Thomas: In Bostock The Majority Is Sailing An Arrogant Pirate Ship
There is only one word for what the Court has done today: legislation. The document that the Court releases is in the form of a judicial opinion interpreting a statute, but that is deceptive. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of . . . Continue reading →
Virtuous Pedophiles (Do They Call Themselves Side B)?
Gary is a member of an online community of people who feel this “sexual attraction, which we did not choose”. According to Gary and others in the community, just as a heterosexual or homosexual person is drawn to people of a particular . . . Continue reading →
Southeast Alabama Presbytery Responds to Missouri Presbytery Regarding Teaching Elder Greg Johnson
In its Report to SEAL [Southeast Alabama Presbytery], MOP [Missouri Presbytery] summarizes our first allegation in this way: “By Self-identifying as a Same-Sex-Attracted Man TE Johnson Compromises and Dishonors His Identity in Christ.” 4 However, SEAL’s allegation was and is actually different . . . Continue reading →
Science Becomes Unsettled Again
A major correction has been issued by the American Journal of Psychiatry. The authors and editors of an October 2019 study, titled “Reduction in mental health treatment utilization among transgender individuals after gender-affirming surgeries: a total population study,” have retracted its primary . . . Continue reading →
Two Dark Sides Of The Sexual Revolution (UPDATED)
Regular readers of this space may remember that I have been arguing for a while that we are in the midst of arguably the third great sexual revolution since the late 19th century. Let me borrow from that earlier essay: There have . . . Continue reading →
Federal Court Upholds The Right Of Religious Schools To Adhere To Their Stated Convictions Regarding Sex
Or Grace Does Not Obliterate Nature
…This action concerns the expulsion of two students from a seminary school for violating school policies against same-sex marriage and extramarital sexual activity. Plaintiffs claim violations of: (1) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681, et seq. . . . Continue reading →
Camile Paglia Explains Fin de Siécle And The Rise Of Transgenderism
(HT: Ezra Levant)
Biden Administration To Restore “Dear Colleague Letter” Versus Christian Schools And Colleges?
Traditional Christian Ethics To Be Punished?
Language regarding accreditation of religious insti- tutions of higher education in the Higher Education Opportunity Act could be interpreted to require accrediting bodies to accredit religious institutions that discriminate or that do not meet science based curricula standards. Continue reading →
PCA Standing Judicial Committee Receives Complaint Regard Greg Johnson
The Standing Judicial Commission (SJC) of the PCA has received a Complaint from a Teaching Elder in Missouri Presbytery against the action of Missouri Presbytery that approved a recommendation of its Investigation Committee not to pursue judicial process against TE Greg Johnson. . . . Continue reading →
What The Biden Administration’s “Equality Act” Would Do
Witness the so-called Equality Act, which candidate Biden vowed to make a priority and which is set to be voted on by the House this week. What’s the Equality Act? And who could be against equality? Don’t let the name fool you. . . . Continue reading →
The Queering Of The Zoomers
The percentage of Zoomers self-identifying as LGBTQ is up dramatically. Continue reading →
Choose Wisely
One of the country’s largest adoption and foster care agencies, Bethany Christian Services, announced on Monday that it would begin providing services to L.G.B.T.Q. parents nationwide
Trueman: A New Pastoral Problem
ast week, a pastor friend told me about a new problem he is facing in his congregation. I hesitate to call it a “first world pastoral problem” because that runs the risk of trivializing it, of making it seem akin to those . . . Continue reading →