This is part 2 of a two-part review of Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum, Kingdom Through Covenant (Wheaton: Crossway, 2012). The review is written by Harrison Perkins. He grew up in the south and attended college in Alabama. He began . . . Continue reading →
Abrahamic covenant
The New Covenant: A Revision And Expansion Of The Abrahamic
Jesus’ new covenant is not only a revision of the Abrahamic covenant but also an incorporation of a new body of people. This new covenant is said to be for all who believe in Jesus–not only believing Jews but also believing Gentiles. . . . Continue reading →
The Abrahamic Covenant Unifies Redemptive History
During our senior year in high school (1978–79) three of us went to lunch. Our public high school had an open campus, meaning that we were permitted to come and go so long as we attended classes. We piled into a friend’s . . . Continue reading →
Witsius On What “I Will Be Your God” Means
That expression, to be God to any, in its full import, includes life eternal, For, when God becomes the sinner’s God, he then becomes to him what he is to himself. But, what is he to himself? Doubtless, the fountain of eternal . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 107: I Will Be A God To You And To Your Children (3)
Last time we looked at some of the challenges we face in learning how to interpret Scripture properly and how the Ancient Christian Churches and the Reformed churches read the Scriptures, with Christ at the center. One way to understand this unity . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 118: I Will Be A God To You And To Your Children (13)
With this episode now we dive into the question of baptism itself. So far we have been setting the stage because, from the historic, confessional Reformed point of view, the debate about infant baptism is really a debate about how to understand . . . Continue reading →
Calvin: The Abrahamic Covenant Was Spiritual, Not Earthly
To be a God unto thee. In this single word we are plainly taught, that this was a spiritual covenant, not confirmed in reference to the present life only; but one from which Abraham might conceive the hope of eternal salvation, so . . . Continue reading →
Owen: The New Covenant Is The New Administration Of The Abrahamic Covenant
More Evidence That Owen Was Not A Baptist
6. We have seen that Abraham, on the account of his faith, and not of his separation according to the flesh, was the father of all that believe, and heir of the world. And in the covenant made with him, as to . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast Series: I Will Be A God To You And To Your Children
The question of baptism, who should be baptized and why, is not just a question about the sacraments. It is a question that is integrally connected to the way we read the Scriptures (hermeneutics), the way we understand redemptive history, the way . . . Continue reading →
John Owen: The New Covenant Is The Abrahamic Covenant Renewed
18. Thus under the old testament, when God would take the posterity of Abraham into a new, peculiar church-state, he did it by a solemn covenant. Herein, as he prescribed all the duties of his worship to them, and made them many . . . Continue reading →
Indy Reformed: The Abrahamic Covenant
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In, With, And Under
God the Son, the substance of the covenant of grace, was Continue reading
Heidelcast For November 13, 2022: Every Tribe, Tongue, And Nation (25): Fifth Head Of Doctrine (5)
In this episode, Dr. Clark continues his series on the Canons of Dort, looking at the Fifth Head of Doctrine and the “perseverance of the saints.” The single most frequent way to corrupt the doctrine of perseverance has been to turn it . . . Continue reading →