Why do we need a primer on distinguishing law and gospel? There are many answers to this question, but for time’s sake, let me give you four reasons a book on the distinction between law and gospel is needed today: 1. It is . . . Continue reading →
Author Archives: Mike Abendroth
Flannelgraph Preaching (Part 4)
Continuing our study of the hidden truths in the Book of Ruth, this final part of the series picks up with the fourth critical truth that points us to Christ. Redeemer (or kinsman-redeemer) points ultimately to Christ: Boaz preaches the qualities of . . . Continue reading →
Flannelgraph Preaching (Part 3)
Part two gave the first of four critical truths in the Book of Ruth that cannot be communicated by mute flannelgraph cutouts: Ruth the Moabite points to Christ. Continuing now with the second and third points: genealogy and Providence point to Christ. . . . Continue reading →
Flannelgraph Preaching (Part 2)
In part one, we began a search to find a christological title for the Book of Ruth, and we found that its title would in fact not be “Ruth”— although she has many excellent qualities, she is not the main character since . . . Continue reading →
Flannelgraph Preaching (Part 1)
Flannelgraphs, alternatively named flannel boards, are sturdy panels covered with flannel. Displayed on an easel, they facilitate the telling of stories, usually in the small nooks and crannies of basements (called “classrooms”) in many Christian church buildings. While most basements reek of . . . Continue reading →
Secret And Sinister Messages From God: Does God Speak Outside Of His Word? (3)
There is another matter to ponder in this debate: many people want God to talk like a lover, a physical lover, personally, privately, with whispers. I wish I did not have to write that last sentence. Of course, Jesus is the lover . . . Continue reading →
Secret And Sinister Messages From God: Does God Speak Outside Of His Word? (2)
Let us approach this from a different angle. Today’s charismatic has divorced the work of the Holy Spirit from the Word of God. They teach, essentially, that the Holy Spirit “talks” to them outside of and divorced from Scripture. Do not buy . . . Continue reading →
Secret And Sinister Messages From God: Does God Speak Outside Of His Word? (1)
Sadly, married couples resort to many tactics when they argue and spar verbally but on occasion I have heard that they can resort to giving each other “the silent treatment.” Instead of talking through the issues and communicating properly, they simply do . . . Continue reading →
New In Print: Gospel Assurance: A 31 Day Guide to Assurance
Christians often ask great questions about the doctrine of assurance of salvation: What is assurance of salvation? Do you know that you are going to heaven when you die? Is Assurance possible in this life? Can a Christian temporarily lose their . . . Continue reading →
Fables, Friendship, and Living the Gospel: Why the Gospel Matters (Part 3)
The concept of “friendship evangelism” is very popular with this generation. If friendship evangelism means that Christians are to be friendly to unbelievers and preach the good news to them, then that is wonderful and should be encouraged. But all too often . . . Continue reading →
Fables, Friendship, and Living the Gospel: Why the Gospel Matters (Part 2)
Third, the gospel is a historical fact. Jesus lived, died, was buried, was raised, and appeared to others in time on this earth. Continue reading →
Fables, Friendship, and Living the Gospel: Why the Gospel Matters (Part 1)
Did you know that some parts of the Bible are more important than other parts? Continue reading →
My Pilgrimage From “Lordship” to Law/Gospel (part 3): Assurance
In part 2, we considered the case of the Rich Young Ruler. In this final installment, let us consider one of the most important passages in this debate: Romans 2:13. Advantage #4–Giving Assurance to Believers LS regularly calls into question a person’s . . . Continue reading →
My Pilgrimage From “Lordship” to Law/Gospel (part 2): Test Case—The Rich Young Ruler
In part 1 we considered the definition of Lordship Salvation and the Reformation distinction between Law and Gospel. If you read the “rich young ruler” passage in Matthew 19:16-30 as the LS folks frequently do, you will see Jesus calling people to . . . Continue reading →
My Pilgrimage From “Lordship” to Law/Gospel (part 1)
Though the Lordship Salvation doctrine (hereafter LS) has many distinguishing characteristics, the one I want to address is its view of the gospel and the unbeliever’s response to it. What Is The “Lordship Salvation” Doctrine? In brief, LS regularly teaches that unbelievers . . . Continue reading →