A Listener Explains The Benefit Of The Heidelcast Series On Nomism And Antinomianism

Dear Brother I want to thank you. Here, where I live, it is not easy to get Reformed teaching but thanks to technology I have been able to listen to the Heidelcast; specifically to the series on the Marrow of Modern Divinity. . . . Continue reading →

Heidelcast Series: Nomism And Antinomianism


Almost since the beginning of the Reformation there were two reactions to the recovery of the gospel: legalism, or nomism, and antinomianism. There are associated doctrines and practices but the core of antinomianism is the rejection of the abiding validity of the . . . Continue reading →

Heidelcast 73: Nomism And Antinomianism (11)


Last time we considered what some folk mean by the expression “the law of Christ” and, in contrast, what the Bible means by it. It’s neither a new covenant of works, as if we could obey our way into acceptance with God . . . Continue reading →

Heidelcast 64: Nomism And Antinomianism (7)


The nomist wants to know whether the works he did before coming to faith are of any value. He asks, “why then, sir, it would seem that all my seeking to please God by my good works, all my strict walking according . . . Continue reading →

Heidelcast 63: Nomism And Antinomianism (6)


The Heidelcast is working through The Marrow of Modern Divinity (1645). Last time we began looking at the doctrine of the covenant of grace. We saw that the principle of the covenant of grace is fundamentally different from that of the covenant of works. . . . Continue reading →

Heidelcast 62: Nomism And Antinomianism (5)


The Heidelcast is working through The Marrow of Modern Divinity (1645) as a model for how to account for justification and sanctification, how to keep them together, without losing either and without confusing them. The circumstances in which The Marrow first appeared were . . . Continue reading →

Heidelcast 61: Nomism And Antinomianism (4)


The first major section of the Marrow of Modern Divinity was a defense of the covenant of works. It is fascinating to see how, already in the 1640s, the covenant of works came under criticism from the nomists (legalists, moralists). Nothing really . . . Continue reading →

Heidelcast 59: Nomism And Antinomianism (2)


The Reformed confess that we were justified in order that we might be progressively sanctified, i.e., gradually and graciously conformed to the image of Christ. The same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead, who united us to him through faith, is . . . Continue reading →

Heidelcast 17: Legalism and Antinomianism

An HB Classic


What’s the difference between legalism and antinomianism? The latter is the denial of the abiding validity of God’s moral law for the life of the believer. The church has been afflicted with antinomianism throughout its history. All the Gnostics of the 2nd . . . Continue reading →

The Heidelcast

Welcome to the Heidelcast, the official podcast of the Heidelberg Reformation Association. The Heidelcast began in 2009. TABLE OF CONTENTS Full Episodes Heidelcast Series Heidelminicasts Heidelvideo How To Subscribe to the Heidelcast Full Episodes Chronologically Ordered “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are . . . Continue reading →