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These Heidelminicasts on the hundredth anniversary of the publication of Machen’s great work have prompted me to re-read it. Upon doing so, I’m even more amazed at the intricate and logical way he presents his argument. And even more brilliant is the way the things he says have all the more come to pass over these past hundred years.
Interesting too, is the way he speaks of Paul, especially in his epistle to the Galatians, and his presentation of law and gospel. Over the past 30+ years several different views of what Paul “really” had to say, vs. what has been traditionally taught by the Church, have emerged that collectively reinforce the concept that faith augmented by works are required of Chrisitans. That is exactly what contemporary mainline denominations teach, “his work, our hands” in such a way that emphasizes a social gospel.
It is amazingly relevant and timely. That struck me when I read it nearly 40 years ago and I’m impressed with it each time I go back to it.