In this episode Dr Clark looks at Romans 3:1–8 in light of last week’s discussion of Paul’s distinction between a purely external relation to the covenant of grace and an internal relation to the covenant of grace. What advantage has the Jew? “Much in every way!” Are the means of grace useless? God forbid! He answers questions from Mark about Reformed hermeneutics (the rules for interpreting texts), from Ken about Pelagianism, from Lindsey about the Baptist claim that the regulative principle forbids infant baptism, and from Jacob about the Roman and Eastern Orthodox appeal to apostolic succession. The opening audio comes from Mike Abendroth and No Compromise Radio.
This episode of the Heidelcast is sponsored by Westminster Seminary California. Thinking about pastoral ministry or unordained service in education, missions, or in the church? March 17, 2023 will be a great day to investigate your calling during Westminster Seminary California’s Seminary for a Day. You will be able to sit in on classes, meet students and professors, see the campus and student housing, and have all your questions answered in-person by those best equipped to help you on your seminary journey! Westminster Seminary California offers masters degrees in biblical studies, systematics (theology), and historical theology, as well as the Master of Divinity. If God is calling you to seminary, schedule your visit today at Seminary for a Day or call (888) 480-8474.
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Show Notes
- Heidelblog Resources
- The HB Media Archive
- The Ecumenical Creeds
- The Reformed Confessions
- Heidelberg Catechism (1563)
- Recovering the Reformed Confession (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2008).
- What Must A Christian Believe?
- Why I Am A Christian
- Heidelblog Contributors
- Resources on Covenant Theology & Infant Baptism
- Resources On The Unity Of The Covenant Of Grace
- Resources On The Role Of Abraham In Redemptive History
- Calvin: Circumcision Was Spiritual And Substantially Identical To Baptism
- Baptism and Circumcision According to Colossians 2:11–12
- Circumcision and Baptism
- The Lure of Rome (with Bob Godfrey)
- The Lure of Eastern Orthodoxy (with Mike Horton)
- Resources On Roman Catholicism
- To Evangelicals Tempted By Eastern Orthodoxy: Something To Watch Before You Convert
- Classis Southwest US Report On Eastern Orthodoxy (PDF)
- Resources For A Redemptive-Historical Reading Of Scripture
- What The Bible Is All About
- Is There An Apostolic Hermeneutic And Can We Imitate it?
- Infant Baptism And Covenant Theology
- The Distinction Between Law And Gospel Emerged From Augustine’s Struggle With Pelagius
- Pelagius is Back
- Surprise! Emergent Leader Embraces Pelagius
- Irenaeus On Apostolic Succession
- Support Heidelmedia: use the donate button or send a check to:
Heidelberg Reformation Association
1637 E. Valley Parkway #391
Escondido CA 92027
The HRA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
BEAUTIFUL! Something must’ve changed. So glad to get you back on my feed.
I sure do miss getting Heidelcast on Google Podcasts. Hope you can sort it out. Either way, keep up the excellent work. This is a wonderful series.
We’re on Google Podcasts! Someone else wrote to say that they were having trouble with Google Podcasts. Turns out that they were not subscribed to the correct feed.
This is the correct feed.