Today is St Augustine’s birthday (354 AD). In that connection I should mention the upcoming publication of Simonetta Carr’s biography of Augustine for children. Few figures in Western history are as important as Augustine. He is one of the early church fathers . . . Continue reading →
Simonetta Carr
Renée of France
A Study in the Difficulty of Reformation
UPDATE January 30, 2013: This volume is now available at Amazon. It is tempting sometimes to think of the Reformation as a magical event. Luther re-discovered glorious truths and all of Europe swooned. Of course that’s not what happened. There was resistance . . . Continue reading →
New: Anselm Of Canterbury For Children
Too often modern evangelicals, especially since the middle of the 19th century, have tended to view the medieval church not so much as part of the great stream of the history of the church but as an exception. Evangelicals may know the . . . Continue reading →
Dangerous Compromises: Reflections On The Life of Renée of France
Guest post by Simonetta Carr, author of Renée of France. Simonetta is a author, translator, and Italian Instructor. She has published several books for children. You can contact her on Twitter. For an introduction to Nicodemism see these posts. § When Evangelical . . . Continue reading →
Luther For Children (And Adults)
Quietly but wonderfully over several years Simonetta Carr has been producing a stream of high-quality, well-written, wonderfully illustrated children’s books. Her latest is a biography of Martin Luther (1483–1546) and it is no exception. It appears just in time for the 500th . . . Continue reading →
New: Peter Martyr Vermigli For Children
In our age of screens (phones, tablets, computers, watches etc) it is counter-intuitive but nonetheless true to say that books are more important than they have been for a long time. They are more important precisely because our culture is drifting away . . . Continue reading →
The Dramatic Story Of Peter Martyr Vermigli
Pope Paul III, however, was not sitting idle in this rapidly changing climate. In 1542, after a failed attempt to conciliate Roman Catholics and Protestants at the Diet of Regensburg, he agreed on renewing the earlier practice of the Roman Inquisition under . . . Continue reading →
Caspar Olevianus: Saved For Ministry
On his 23rd birthday, 10 August 1559, Caspar Olevianus had a chance to preach his first sermon in German in a lecture hall at Trier, Germany (his birthplace). He had been waiting long for this moment. His love for the gospel had . . . Continue reading →