UPDATE: Thanks to Alex Ramig, Pastor Milan Norgauer (check out his sermon from last Sunday evening) and to all the folks at Northwoods PCA (especially to those who work behind the scenes not only to host the conference but also to host . . . Continue reading →
Great Lakes Reformed Conference—Featuring R. Scott Clark, D. G. Hart, and Kim Riddlebarger
Upcoming Conference Featuring R. Scott Clark, D. G. Hart, and Kim Riddlebarger—October 14th, 2023 Continue reading →
Upcoming Conference—The Foundation of our Faith: William Perkins on the Doctrine of Justification
Upcoming Conference in the Philippines at Field of Grace Reformed Church Featuring Inwoo Lee—September 30th, 2023. Continue reading →
Upcoming Conference: Eugene Reformed Bible Study Conference
Consider attending the upcoming conference at Eugene Reformed on March 16th, 2024. There will be several OPC pastors presenting on topics like the history of the OPC and what it means to be Presbyterian, including S. M. Baugh. You can download the PDF . . . Continue reading →
To The Evangelical Nicodemites (Part One)
Over the last few years there have been a few laments about “Reformed rocks stars.” Carl Trueman has rightly warned against the cult of personality.1 Now, I would like to turn the tables. If we should be concerned about rock stars and . . . Continue reading →
To The Evangelical Nicodemites (Part Two)
Calvin was well aware of what he was about to ask of the crypto-Calvinists or secret Calvinists. He wrote letters of comfort to some of them as they languished in dark, rat-infested prisons, awaiting a sham trial and a bloody, fiery death. He also understood that what he was saying was controversial. Continue reading →
To The Evangelical Nicodemites (Part Three)
Calvin was well aware of what he was about to ask of the crypto-Calvinists or secret Calvinists. He wrote letters of comfort to some of them as they languished in dark, rat-infested prisons, awaiting a sham trial and a bloody, fiery death. He also understood that what he was saying was controversial. Continue reading →
To The Evangelical Nicodemites (Part Four)
The question, for Calvin and for us, is “whether the Christian man, being rightly instructed in the truth of the gospel, offends God or not, by doing as the others do when he is among Papists, by going to Mass and other . . . Continue reading →