Heidelminicast Q&A: Where To Start With Vos, Was Infant Circumcision Merely A “Positive Law,” Why Not Roman Catholic?

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  1. The reformed use the Abrahamic covenant as justification for a mixed covenant of grace paradigm but the Abrahamic covenant, or the “covenant of circumcision” (acts 7), is made with Abraham after he was saved. That’s why he (the individual, not the covenant) is the father of the circumcised and uncircumcised (Romans 4) believers throughout redemptive history. Therefore the Abrahamic covenant IS positive and temporary just like the mosaic. Abraham IS Moses, in this regard, and the covenant of grace is not mixed but rather unites all its members with Christ forever as symbolized through baptism (Romans 6:3-5).

    • Nick,

      The New Testament doesn’t treat Abraham the way you do. It doesn’t treat the Abrahamic covenant the way you just did. Act 7:8 doesn’t turn Abraham into Moses, as you wish to do. Circumcision was a type & shadow but the promise to which it was attached is repeated through Scripture and in the New Testament. The promise is that God would be a God to believers (Abraham was circumcised as a believer) and to their children.

      Your approach is the opposite of Paul’s in Galatians 3. There he treats the Abrahamic covenant as the permanent covenant of grace and the Mosaic, insofar as it was national and legal, as temporary. Paul appeals to Abraham in Rom 4 precisely because that covenant is permanent.

      Take a look at the resources on the Abraham Paradigm.

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