In this episode Dr Clark returns to Romans 5:12–21 and answers emails about Romans 11 and question from a Baptist listener who asks, in effect, what the Reformed think that baptism does in Canons of Dort 1.17 (and in 1 Cor 7:14). The opening audio is from the Theocast podcast.
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Thanks for the reply to my question, however, I am not convinced. My comment “ there is no vague “all believers are Israel“ in this text“, I stand by. I reject the replacement theory. In Romans 11 Paul is speaking to the Gentiles specifically about the Jewish people, according to my reading. The incredible grace that God shows both Jew and gentile comes through clear in Romans 11. But what also comes through is God’s love and favour to the Jewish peoples. This runs through all of scripture. What also runs through all of scripture is God’s grace to all His elect. From genesis to revelation. My mistake, I quoted revelation eight, I meant to say revelation seven. When I said that Israel was the root, that was incorrectly stated, Christ is the root. Israel however, is perhaps the trunk, Gentiles are ingrafted branches.
I’m not teaching a “replacement theory.” Your objection assumes a position that I do not accept. Here’s an explanation of why Reformed theology is not replacement theology. Here’s an interview on this question. No one is being replaced. All the elect are being saved. God may well call a great number of Jews to saving faith before Jesus returns. I don’t think Romans 11 says that but I could be wrong. A lot of Reformed folk have believed that but what we should reject is any idea that one is elect because one is Jewish or that God’s real plan in redemptive history was to establish a national Jewish people or that there will be a national Jewish people after the ascension of Christ.
For one thing, God’s people were never only Jewish, even under Moses and David. Abraham was a Gentile when he was brought to new life & true faith. His plan, according to Genesis 12 and 15 was always to call the nations, the Goyim, the Gentiles to Christ, which began in earnest at Pentecost. Jesus said that the gospel was going to Judea, Samaria (the mixed people whom the Jews rejected) and to the uttermost parts of the earth (the Gentiles). So it has.
What is happening is twofold: God’s promise to Abraham is being fulfilled and Gentiles are being grafted in. That’s not replacement. That’s addition.
Thanks once again for the reply. I would not presume you are teaching replacement theory, the reformed doctrine does not lend to this. I was speaking for myself.
What I am struck by is the specialness of the Jewish nation in God’s sight, they were favoured by Him. I don’t necessarily think there will be restoration of a Jewish nation in this world, but scripture suggests their ultimate turning to Christ (en masse)
“As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.”
The above verses are remarkable to me. It speaks of God’s inexpressible grace to His people.
No doubt, you are familiar with the link below, I found it very interesting on the subject from many reformed theologians.
I totally agree with your comment of gentiles being added into the covenant, equal to the Jews in God’s sight in redemption.