Heidelcast For September 18, 2022: Every Tribe, Tongue, And Nation (17): Third/Fourth Heads Of Doctrine (3)

In this episode Dr Clark continues his series on the the Canons of Dort where we are looking at the Third and Fourth Heads of Doctrine of the Canons of Dort on the application of redemption to the elect by the Holy Spirit. In this episode he looks at what Synod said about natural revelation and the external administration of the gospel. Did you know that Synod spent a good bit of time on the question of missions and reaching lost people groups? He also reads tweets from More Coffee and Jeremy Baker and emails from Gary asking why the podcast feed on Apple Podcasts etc only goes back so far; from Nick asking about the regulative principle of worship and the place of creeds in worship; from Paul about how weak and failing Christians fit in the church and the Christian life (in light of 1 John); from MJ about “experimental religion,” What does it mean? Jeong-Hwan about what we mean by the expression “Three Forms of Unity;” from Mark on the eternal state of infants who die outside the covenant of grace (i.e., the children of unbelievers); from Larry about other episodes on J. Gresham Machen (see the resource pages below); from Michael about the history of the term “pactum salutis.”  There is a correction to be made here: One of the earliest uses traces to Johannes Oecolampadius c. 1523–34. See the David VanDrunen and R. Scott Clark, “The Covenant Before the Covenants,” in Covenant, Justification, and Pastoral Ministry (p.169ff) for more; and from Mark, passing on an objection from a critic of Reformed theology, that some Reformed theologians do not list love as a divine attribute. The opening audio clip is Brian Regan.

The Heidelcast is proud to be sponsored by Reformation Heritage Books. Please show them that you are grateful for their support by visiting RHB online (or in person if you are in Grand Rapids), where you can find Hywel Jones, Transfiguration and Transformation. It retails for $20.00. The RHB price is $15.00. He shows how the divine penetrates the human, without destroying the human. This is a wonderful book and highly recommended. See the resources below for more on this. Don’t forget: when you go to RHB please be sure to tell them that the Heidelcast sent you.



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