and writing about it at Ref21. You can order your copy of RRC here.
Nunc Super Tunc
The title is Latin for “Now is superior to then.”1 It’s a shorthand way of getting at an attitude that is widespread among American Christians that whatever we think and do now is necessarily superior to anything that was thought and done . . . Continue reading →
Tradition and Confession in Scripture
Jim Renihan has some helpful comments. For more on this see Recovering the Reformed Confession. It’s $16.00 at the Bookstore at WSC.
Nunc Super Tunc
Originally posted 5 March 2009 The title is Latin for “Now is superior to then.”1 It’s a shorthand way of getting at an attitude that is widespread among American Christians that whatever we think and do now is necessarily superior to anything . . . Continue reading →
Augustine On The Authority Of Scripture Over Bishops
You are wont, indeed, to bring up against us the letters of Cyprian, his opinion, his Council; why do ye claim the authority of Cyprian for your schism, and reject his example when it makes for the peace of the Church? But . . . Continue reading →
Bullinger: We Are Critically Sympathetic To The Fathers
Wherefore we do not despise the interpretations of the holy Greek and Latin fathers, nor reject their disputations and treatises concerning sacred matters as far as they agree with the Scriptures; but we modestly dissent from them when they are found to . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: The Holy Spirit And Sola Scriptura
One of the dominant trends in global Christianity is the growth of the Pentecostal and the Charismatic movements. A 2011 study published by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life says that more than 500 million Christians globally identify . . . Continue reading →
The Enlightenment Was Not What You Were Told It Was
Godfrey: Sola Scriptura Is Superior To Sola Ecclesia
First, they will try to say that the phrase “Word of God” can mean more than just the Bible. I have already granted that. The question before us is whether today anything other than the Scriptures is necessary to know the truth . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 224: From Every Tribe, Tongue, And Nation (2)—Introduction To The Canons Of Dort (2)
In this episode Dr Clark continues the series on the Canons of Dort (1619). There is a popular narrative among Arminians (and perhaps others) that the Arminians were the victims of an unprovoked theological, ecclesiastical, and political attack by Calvinists. Nothing could . . . Continue reading →
What Tradition Is And Does
(1) Central to the task of transmitting the faith from one generation to the next is the requirement of transmitting it as a whole, without addition or subtraction. In my judgment, the modern project of “mediating theology” often failed precisely in this . . . Continue reading →
The Sublimely Ordinary Drama Of Regular Lord’s Day Worship
The ethos of liturgical seasons and their attendant dramatic worship peculiarities — imposition of ashes, the stripping of the altar after Communion on Maunday Thursday, etc. — is centered more on a theater of the nostalgic than the sublimely ordinary drama of . . . Continue reading →