(1) Central to the task of transmitting the faith from one generation to the next is the requirement of transmitting it as a whole, without addition or subtraction. In my judgment, the modern project of “mediating theology” often failed precisely in this regard. In an effort to gain a wider and more receptive hearing for the faith among a modern audience, mediating theology distinguished between the kernel or essence of the faith, which was to be preserved, and the husk of the faith, which could be set aside. The problem with such a strategy is not simply that it threatens to compromise the integrity of the faith–Scripture calls us to proclaim all God’s wonderful works (Ps 105:2), not just the works that might be palatable in a given age. The problem is also that it robs a particular generation of the full resources of the faith for addressing humanity’s greatest problems and God-given potential. As Cyril of Jerusalem long ago observed, the Christian faith, by virtue of its “wholeness” or “catholicity” “teaches universally and completely one and all the doctrines which ought to come to men’s knowledge, concerning things both visible and invisible, heavenly and earthly” and “universally treats and heals the whole class of sins, which are committed by soul or body, and possesses in itself every form of virtue which is named, both in deeds and words, and in every kind of spiritual gifts.” Each generation thus requires “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:17).
(2) Because transmitting the faith from one generation to the next inevitably leads to questions from the catechized and to objections from opponents, tradition also requires interpretation. In handing on doctrine x or practice y, we are inevitably asked, “What does x mean?” “What does y look like?” “Is doing z consistent with doing y?” and so forth. For the faith to be transmitted successfully from one generation to the next, it must be understood. Interpretation is the servant of understanding. Interpreting the faith comes by way a number of different activities. Interpretation comes by way of commentary on biblical texts, by way of theological and moral clarification of Scripture’s meaning and implications, and, when necessary, by way of identifying and condemning misunderstandings and misapplications of the faith. Read more»
Scott R. Swain | On Tradition | May 12, 2022
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“Because transmitting the faith from one generation to the next inevitably leads to questions from the catechized and to objections from opponents, tradition also requires interpretation. In handing on doctrine x or practice y, we are inevitably asked, “What does x mean?” “What does y look like?” “Is doing z consistent with doing y?” and so forth. For the faith to be transmitted successfully from one generation to the next, it must be understood.”
No one is in complete understanding of all that God has even already revealed. Incomplete understandings are helpful, but to transmit the faith, it is not necessary to understand it all. Christ died for our sins. Completely understood this, have we?