When we moved to the UK in the early 90s one of the several aspects of culture shock that we experienced was the plainness and forthrightness with which people spoke. I don’t know from experience that what we experienced was universal throughout . . . Continue reading →
Jesus, The Ninth Commandment, And Objective Truth
The 2016–17 academic year has begun. It’s time for introductory and orientation lectures. Yesterday I was talking with the Ancient Church (patristics) class about the what history is or what historians do and why history is important. Americans, in particular, it seems . . . Continue reading →
Facts Matter But So Does The Framework Of Analysis: Deconstructionism Must Ultimately Dissolve Every Belief System
The facts recounted in any historical work are important, but so are the uses to which those facts are put, the tools used to analyze those facts, and the conclusions that are drawn from those facts. Accurate details can be both cherry-picked . . . Continue reading →