When we moved to the UK in the early 90s one of the several aspects of culture shock that we experienced was the plainness and forthrightness with which people spoke. I don’t know from experience that what we experienced was universal throughout . . . Continue reading →
The Perils of Self Promotion: Wisdom for Ministers and Ministerial Candidates
Wisdom from Escondido URC pastor Chris Gordon: The peril of self-promotion in the Christian ministry is nothing new. Jesus himself had to deal with this problem on numerous occasions in his own disciples. The Son of God became a servant to seek . . . Continue reading →
On Being Criticized (In The New Media Age)
As a follow on to the post of the 24th, On Being Critical, it seems useful to think a little about how to navigate the choppy waters of criticism and especially how to deal with it in our new media age. There’s . . . Continue reading →
It Is Baked Into The Cake
This morning I read an account of a NAPARC pastor who confessed to violating his vows, of abusing his congregation, of violating the sixth and ninth commandments. Continue reading
The Need Of The Hour: Repentance
Dear Christians, the great need of the hour is collective humility and repentance for our sins, for our selfishness, for our idolatries, and our attempts to make our home in this world in denial of our heavenly citizenship. And we shouldn’t miss the silver lining in all of this. We are still able to publish the best news ever, a lamp is still shining in Babylon, and a voice is still sounding out, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Continue reading →