The Black Rubric And The Creator-Creature Distinction

The “Black Rubric” was so-called because it was set in black print in the 1661–1662 edition of the Book of Common Prayer. It was first inserted into the Second Edwardian Prayer Book in 1552. It was intended to explain that when communicants . . . Continue reading →

On Elements and Circumstances

An HB Classic

The Reformed confessions distinguish between the elements of worship and the circumstances of worship. In Westminster Confession 21 we say, “…the acceptable way of worshiping the true God is instituted by himself, and so limited by his own revealed will, that he . . . Continue reading →

Ursinus On Circumstances And Worship

Thirdly, there are ecclesiastical or ceremonial ordinances, prescribed by men, which include the determinations of circumstances necessary or useful for the maintenance of the moral precepts of the first table; of which kind are the time, the place, the form and order . . . Continue reading →

A Brief Note On “Elements” And “Circumstances”

While we, some of us anyway, are still on Covid-19 lockdown and unable to gather for public worship it is perhaps a time to think about the nature of public worship. Our patterns of life have been disrupted. I suppose that some . . . Continue reading →