The HT Interviews: Rich Bishop

From the old HB (2007) Editor’s Note: This is the 3rd in a series of interviews with graduates of the Westminster Seminary California MA (Historical Theology) program. Rich Bishop (WSC ’02) is a graduate of Wheaton College, and now a PhD student . . . Continue reading →

Congratulations to WSC Grad Rich Bishop, PhD

70% of Westminster Seminary California students (numerically 95 of our 135 enrolled students) are in the Master of Divinity (MDiv) program and preparing to enter the pastoral ministry. The remaining 30% are in one of three MA programs. One of those MA . . . Continue reading →

Our 2009 MA (Hist Theol) Candidates (Updated)

Congratulations to our 2009 MA (Historical Theology) candidates, (Rev) Mr Michael Brown and Mr Joshua Forrest. Last night the latter defended the thesis, “Absolute Dependence or Classical Synthesis?: Friedrich Schleiermacher’s Appropriation of Lutheran Orthodoxy” and the former defended the thesis: “Christ and . . . Continue reading →

The Last Work of a Student or the First of a Scholar?

That slogan puzzled me the first few times I heard it but I think I understand it more clearly now. I was puzzled because the word “scholar” means “student.” It’s a Latin word derived from the noun Schola or school. A scholar . . . Continue reading →