It’s Commencement Week 2010 at Westminster Seminary California

The last week of the Spring semester is always chock full of activity at WSC. It’s the last week of final exams. It’s also the week we hold the annual MA (Historical Theology) Thesis Defense, board meetings, and, of course, commencement exercises.

On Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM in the chapel at Westminster Seminary California, Mr. Brian Hecker defended his MA (Historical Theology) Thesis, “Resembling the Divine: 
Divine and Human Freedom in the Theology of William Twisse (c.1577–1646).” Brian handled a difficult topic well and his thesis defense was sustained. Lord permitting it will be available in the library later this summer and will be a useful addition to the literature on this important figure in in mid-17th century English theology. Twiss, as you may know, was the first prolocutor of the Westminster Assembly and one of the more interesting and subtle (he was described as such by other Reformed theologians of the period) theologians. As Brian demonstrated, Twisse’s view of divine-human relations contradicts the picture frequently drawn of ham-fisted, predestinarian, determinist Reformed theologians in the period.

Last night was the dinner for the Spring meeting of the Board of Trustees. Twice a year pastors and elders interrupt their busy schedules to meet on campus to help provide leadership to Westminster Seminary California. On Wednesday evening we share a dinner and hear from president Godfrey or from one of the faculty members. John Fesko spoke to us about “A Year of Firsts” in which he recounted his visit to the meeting of the World Reformed Fellowship and described the statement of faith developed by that organization spoke to the vocation and the seminary in light of trends in the Reformed and broader evangelical world.

The board finishes its work today but there will be meetings all day long including by the annual board-faculty conversation after lunch. We say farewell to our graduating seniors tomorrow night and commencement is Saturday AM. The Rev Dr Derke Bergsma, Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology and one of our original faculty members, will address us at commencement.

    Post authored by:

  • R. Scott Clark
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    R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.

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