In this episode Dr Clark looks at Romans 5:1–11 and answers questions about the compatibility of Christianity with the Masonic Lodge, on how “prepping” coheres with the Reformed doctrine of providence, on an English translation of Augustine’s On the Trinity, on Martin Luther’s work on monastic vows, on Ursinus’ teaching on baptism, on why more Reformed pastors do not teach Calvin’s doctrine of the supper, and finally how to answer more Baptist criticisms of the Reformed doctrine of baptism. The opening audio features Sinclair Ferguson.
This episode of the Heidelcast is sponsored by Westminster Seminary California. Thinking about pastoral ministry or unordained service in education, missions, or in the church? Now is the time investigate your calling by calling or visiting Westminster Seminary California. When you visit you will be able to sit in on classes, meet students and professors, see the campus and student housing, and have all your questions answered in-person by those best equipped to help you on your seminary journey! Westminster Seminary California offers masters degrees in biblical studies, systematics (theology), and historical theology, as well as the Master of Divinity. Schedule your visit today at Westminster Seminary California or call (888) 480-8474.
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What is your opinion on halal foods? They are clearing ‘sacrificed’ to Allah. Should they be avoided? According to Paul’s direction, I would say yes.
Interesting question. I should think, in that case, a Christian living in a neighborhood with orthodox Muslims might starve to death. Halal foods are clean. They are the equivalent of Kosher foods for Jews. Remember, all the foods in the Greco-Roman world were offered to the gods. It was only when someone said, in effect, “this is a religious meal.” Hospitality is a big emphasis among Muslims. For a Christian guest to turn down food offered by a Muslim to a guest, would be a source of offense. We should need a very good reason to turn it down.
If is labeled halal, they are declaring that it is dedicated to Allah. I avoid it if I can. It’s a matter of conscience, no doubt.