In this episode Dr Clark looks at Romans 4:1–3 and considers what indeed was gained by Abraham and how. Was it by works or through faith alone? What does “and it was counted to him for righteousness” mean? He also answers a text message from Daniel asking about the argument that some Baptists are making that, if we baptize infants no the basis of the institution of infant circumcision then why do we not baptize grandchildren too? The opening audio features Erick Erikson.
This episode of the Heidelcast is sponsored by Westminster Seminary California. Thinking about pastoral ministry or unordained service in education, missions, or in the church? Now is the time investigate your calling by calling or visiting Westminster Seminary California. When you visit you will be able to sit in on classes, meet students and professors, see the campus and student housing, and have all your questions answered in-person by those best equipped to help you on your seminary journey! Westminster Seminary California offers masters degrees in biblical studies, systematics (theology), and historical theology, as well as the Master of Divinity. Schedule your visit today at Westminster Seminary California or call (888) 480-8474.
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I am appreciating this series
Thank you for listening JP. Happy Easter!
In 32:20 you had mentioned Genesis 15:18 where the Covenant ‘ceremony’ takes place, which I think is an important detail because it shows we should be reading Genesis 15:6 up through 15:18, since the Covenant is explicitly mentioned here. This would seem to mean God already was in a Covenant with Abraham before Genesis 17 (circumcision) comes along. The ‘hidden’ Gospel message is thus (1) a miraculous ‘only begotten’ son is promised in Genesis 15, but (2) this Promise is mistaken to mean a matter of human effort to bring about the Promised son, hence Abraham turns to Hagar to get the purely natural Ishmael in Genesis 16, which then (3) all has to be brought back on track in Genesis 17, with circumcision as possibly a sort of corrective/penal/atonement measure. What Abraham was incapable of doing by his own human abilities, God was able to do (bring a miraculous beyond-natural son to a barren elderly couple). Thus, Abraham is not our father “according to the flesh,” that is born by natural generation like the Jews, but rather spiritual father produced by Divine Re-Generation (Born-Again).