Perkins On The Privilege Of Adoption

What is the excellency of this benefit [of adoption by God’s grace]? Answer. Great every way (John 1:12). He which is the child of God is heir and fellow-heir with Christ (Rom. 8:17), and that of the kingdom of heaven, and of . . . Continue reading →

How Did The Substitutionary Atonement Work?

On the surface the logic of the atonement is straightforward. We sin and are therefore under God’s wrath. When Jesus died on the cross, he suffered the punishment that sin deserves. If we put our faith in Christ, we have eternal life. . . . Continue reading →

Perkins In Defense Of Particular Redemption

Whereas Paul says that “the promise is given to believers,” [Gal. 3:22] it is manifest that the promise is not universal in respect of all mankind, but only indefinite and universal in respect of believers. Wherefore their doctrine is not sound that . . . Continue reading →

Perkins: Salvation Is A Public Donation

Lastly, in that Paul says, God “gave” and freely bestowed the “inheritance by the promise,” it must be considered that this giving is no private but a public donation. For Abraham must be considered as a public person. And that which was . . . Continue reading →

Perkins On The First Use

When Paul says [in Gal. 3:22], “We are all shut up under sin,” he puts us in mind of our most miserable condition that we are captives of sin and Satan, enclosed in our sins as in a prison, like imprisoned malefactors . . . Continue reading →

Christ Is More Forgiving Than We Are

𝘖𝘣𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯: But I have often relapsed and fallen into the same sin again and again. 𝘈𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳: If Christ will have us pardon our brother seventy-seven times, can we think he will press us [to do] more than He will be ready to . . . Continue reading →

The Suffering Servant: A Primer on the Passive Obedience of Christ (Part Two)

As we meditate on these truths and thus come to a greater understanding of what our Lord Jesus went through on our behalf, hopefully, this adds depth to our appreciation of him and his suffering for us. And so, this week, as we hear of his final Passover, his prayers in Gethsemane, his midnight trial, his disciples scattered, his discussion with Pilate, his death sentence, his torment on the way to the cross, his agony on the cross, his final words, his being pierced through by the spear, and his burial in the tomb, it is my prayer that we will not only see these as events that truly did occur in history but that they would have a profound influence on our lives. Continue reading →

Steak for Lent: A Primer on the Active Obedience of Christ (Part One)

Many of us have family, friends, or co-workers who show up to events with ash on their foreheads or announce the fact that they are fasting and cannot eat certain foods on certain days. Is that what this time of the year is all about? Letting people know that you are fasting? Showing up to work or social events with ash on your forehead? What should Reformed Christians be doing at this time of the year? Continue reading →