Perkins In Defense Of Particular Redemption

Whereas Paul says that “the promise is given to believers,” [Gal. 3:22] it is manifest that the promise is not universal in respect of all mankind, but only indefinite and universal in respect of believers. Wherefore their doctrine is not sound that teach the redemption wrought by Christ to be as general as the sin wrought by Adam. Indeed, if we regard the value and sufficiency of the death of Christ, it is so; but if we respect the communication and donation of this benefit, it is not. For though all be shut under sin, yet the promise is only given “to them that believe.” It is objected that “God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself” (2 Cor. 5:19). Answer. The text in hand shows that by “the world” we are to understand all believers through the whole world. And whereas Paul says, “God shut up all under unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all” (Rom. 11:32), his meaning is here set down, that He shut both Jews and Gentiles under unbelief that He might have mercy upon all that believe, both Jews and Gentiles.

William Perkins | The Works of William Perkins, ed. Paul M. Smalley, Joel R. Beeke, and Derek W. H. Thomas, vol. 2 (Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books, 2015), 201.


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  • Tony Phelps
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    Tony grew up in Rhode Island. He was educated at BA (University of Rhode Island) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He worked in the insurance industry for ten years. He planted a PCA church in Wakefield, RI where he served for eleven years. In 2015–18 he pastored Covenant Reformed Church (URCNA) in Colorado Springs. He is currently pastor of Living Hope (OPC). Tony is married to Donna and together they have three children.

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