Gospel Preachers Are Theologians Of The Cross

Among the many spiritual ills that afflicted the Corinthian congregation was a class of leaders, self-appointed, “Super Apostles” (2 Cor 11:5, 12). These so-called “Super Apostles” compared themselves to the Apostle Paul and claimed to be superior to him. Where Paul’s speech as imperfect, theirs was polished. Where he was arrested for the sake of Christ, they had suffered no such shame. Continue reading →

You Are Not A Canonical Actor Or How To Avoid Nightmare Alley

Episode 8 of the Christianity Today podcast, “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill,” illustrates the degree to which the restless, feather-swallowing (according to Luther) anti-canonical spirit has influenced modern evangelical theology, piety, and practice. The Reformation principle (if not always its practice) . . . Continue reading →