One sign that we’ve entered a strange new time is that a Princeton Seminary prof has written an essay in order to instruct WTS/P faculty about the meaning of the Definition of Chalcedon as understood by the Westminster Confession.
A Friendly Response to Bruce McCormack
Here is the first post in this series. Here is Bruce’s response to that post. Hi Bruce, Thanks for your thoughtful responses to my questions. Judging by your responses I think I was not clear enough in a few places.
What The Prophets Knew
In taking the comfort of the prophetic promises to our hearts we do not, perhaps, always realize what after the tempests and tumults, in the brief seasons of clear shining which God interposed, such relief must have meant to the prophets themselves. . . . Continue reading →
Katz: I Survived Attempted Cancelation
I emphatically do not want anyone to come away with the impression that I feel victimized. Yes, I’m bruised and angry, and sad because so many people who privately say they agree with me are too frightened to state their opinions publicly. . . . Continue reading →
Shrier: One Need Not Be A Troll To Find Oneself At The Center Of Controversy. One Need Only Refuse To Submit To The Mob
I began writing a few op-eds for our local Jewish paper, one of which was spotted by a Wall Street Journal editor, who invited me to submit to the Wall Street Journal. I did, and in the course of that year, published . . . Continue reading →
Machen’s Private Racism And Contemporary Public Segregationism
Andrew Bertodatti and Rasool Berry, two pastors in New York City, have written a lengthy critique of a new book by Owen Strachan. My interest in this essay is not to engage with Strachan’s book, which I have not read, nor to . . . Continue reading →