Harrison Perkins With 7 Minutes And 29 Seconds More On The Covenant Of Works

From the early 1650s Reformed theologians began to speak explicitly of the “covenant of works” to describe God’s relations to Adam (and us) in the garden and to explain the nature of the demands of the law upon God’s image bearers. In this second video on the covenant of works, Dr Harrison Perkins explains a bit more about the law as God’s standard of righteousness in the covenant of works. Continue reading →

My Pilgrimage From “Lordship” to Law/Gospel (part 2): Test Case—The Rich Young Ruler

In part 1 we considered the definition of Lordship Salvation and the Reformation distinction between Law and Gospel. If you read the “rich young ruler” passage in Matthew 19:16-30 as the LS folks frequently do, you will see Jesus calling people to . . . Continue reading →

My Pilgrimage From “Lordship” to Law/Gospel (part 3): Assurance

In part 2, we considered the case of the Rich Young Ruler. In this final installment, let us consider one of the most important passages in this debate: Romans 2:13. Advantage #4–Giving Assurance to Believers LS regularly calls into question a person’s . . . Continue reading →