In response to another post, Daniel F., one of Doug Wilson’s more ardent defenders, asked me to listen to a clip from a sermon which is supposed to demonstrate Wilson’s pristine evangelical, Protestant, Reformational orthodoxy on justification. What follows is a lightly . . . Continue reading →
double mode of communion
Baptism and the Benefits of Christ: The Double Mode of Communion
Thanks to Chris Coldwell, editor of The Confessional Presbyterian, for making the whole essay (PDF) available.
Seven Essential Distinctions In The Covenant Of Grace
Wes Bredenhof, pastor of Providence Canadian Reformed Church (Hamilton, ON) has published a helpful post. Here is part of it: We distinguish between the administration of the covenant of grace in this era and administrations of the covenant of grace in previous . . . Continue reading →
The Key To Unlocking The FV Error: The Double Mode Of Communion
I would say that the most foundational error in the book is his rejection of the “dual aspects of the covenant” (55-56), a matter which I consider essential to good Reformed theology and well balanced Calvinism. Reformed theology at its best accepts . . . Continue reading →
Tracing The Paradigm Shift: Two Ways Of Being In The Covenant Of Grace
In like manner, the participation (communio) of the covenant of grace is two-fold. The one includes merely symbolical and common benefits (beneficia), which have no certain connection with salvation, and to which infants are admitted by their relation to parents that are . . . Continue reading →
Was Herman Witsius A Federal Visionist?
One of the distinctive errors of the self-described Federal Vision theology is the doctrine that, in baptism, all the benefits of the covenant of grace are conferred temporarily and conditionally.1 Thus, they claim, there is such a thing as a “covenantal” (temporary, . . . Continue reading →
Heidelminicast—Calvin On The Experience Of The Reprobate In The Covenant Of Grace
These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia . . . Continue reading →
Heidelminicast—Calvin On The Two Ways Of Being In The One Covenant Of Grace
These are some of our favorite Heidelquotes. Something to think about from the Heidelcast. If you are subscribed to the Heidelcast or the Heidelblog (see below) you will receive these episodes automatically. All the Episodes of the Heidelcast How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia . . . Continue reading →