Speaking a Foreign Language

In response to another post, Daniel F., one of Doug Wilson’s more ardent defenders, asked me to listen to a clip from a sermon which is supposed to demonstrate Wilson’s pristine evangelical, Protestant, Reformational orthodoxy on justification. What follows is a lightly . . . Continue reading →

Seven Essential Distinctions In The Covenant Of Grace

Wes Bredenhof, pastor of Providence Canadian Reformed Church (Hamilton, ON) has published a helpful post. Here is part of it: We distinguish between the administration of the covenant of grace in this era and administrations of the covenant of grace in previous . . . Continue reading →

Tracing The Paradigm Shift: Two Ways Of Being In The Covenant Of Grace

In like manner, the participation (communio) of the covenant of grace is two-fold. The one includes merely symbolical and common benefits (beneficia), which have no certain connection with salvation, and to which infants are admitted by their relation to parents that are . . . Continue reading →

Was Herman Witsius A Federal Visionist?

One of the distinctive errors of the self-described Federal Vision theology is the doctrine that, in baptism, all the benefits of the covenant of grace are conferred temporarily and conditionally.1 Thus, they claim, there is such a thing as a “covenantal” (temporary, . . . Continue reading →