It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again: Keister Refutes Moon

Ever had a déjà vu experience? Ever had a déjà vu experience? Ever had a déjà vu experience? Ever had a déjà vu experience? This is the experience I’ve been having watching the discussion concerning the Federal Vision in the PCA Siouxlands Presbytery. I’ve been having . . . Continue reading →

Baptism is Not Faith: Reformed Theology v the Federal Vision

Thanks to Shane for reminding us why we should expend the energy to oppose the Federal Vision of baptismal union with Christ. In contrast, Reformed theology is neither sacerdotalist, nor quasi-sacerdotalist, nor mere sacramentarianism.

Baptists And Federal Visionists Together?

Let us define our terms. A Baptist is someone who believes that baptism is only validly administered to professing believers. He denies that the infant children of believers are the proper subjects of baptism. A Federal Visionist is someone who, among other . . . Continue reading →