In recent days, in association with the eleventh anniversary of 9/11, chaos has once again broken out across the Middle East. One of the first parts of the chaos was a mob assault on the US Embassy in Cairo. As events have . . . Continue reading →
Theology of the Cross
It’s All About Eschatology (and History)
Collin Hansen has a stimulating post at the Gospel Coalition this morning (Pacific) lamenting the apparently declining desire for a “revival.” Collin’s post raises some very important questions. Why would one begin to doubt the desire for revival, which I have described . . . Continue reading →
Cultists at the Door and Holy Week
A couple of well-dressed, polite, well-spoken young men came to my door today. They could have been Mormons (there are a great lot of them out west) but these fellows happened to be Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Calvin on "The Real Prosperity Gospel"
Christianity Today is running a series entitled, “Re-Formed” featuring essays by “John Calvin with Knox Bucer-Beza”—identified by CT as “the author of the Institutes of the Christian Religion and commentaries on most books of the Bible, both of which were sources of . . . Continue reading →