Only Americans could love Judge Judy–the über-mom, as I call her, because of her uncanny ability to make grown men look like disobedient children. Yet I’m sure that if the Corinthians had the technology we have, they too would love Judge Judy. . . . Continue reading →
Popular Culture
Trueman On STD’s And Stupidity
According to a recent CDC report, cases of syphilis are rising in the United States. The report offers an interesting window on contemporary American culture. First, it features the usual exceptionalism for health issues that are a part of the progressive remaking . . . Continue reading →
The Rise Of The New Fourth Reich And The Fall Of The New Perspective?
I was raised in an era that is evidently receding. Not that very long ago, it was quite politically incorrect to mistreat Jewish holocaust descendants. Now, a Jewish student is practically persecuted on many elite campuses. Indeed, that general disavowal of anti-Semitism, . . . Continue reading →
The Real Conspiracy: Behind The Scenes
Elijah was gone, taken directly to heaven (2 Kgs 2:1). The kingdom of Israel was a corrupt mess. Ahaziah had instructed his people to inquire of Baal-zebub, god of Ekron, to see if he would recover. This was a fatal decision (2 Kgs 1:2–4, 16). Continue reading →
Can The Person On The Screen Actually Save Your Soul?
Nothing provides a jolt of controversy like touching the worship rails, Almost every discussion of the Second and Fourth Commandments turns into a skirmish if not a pitched battle. While some Reformed folk would slot issues connected to images, worship music, and the finer . . . Continue reading →
Review: The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism By Tim Alberta
The apostle John ended his first letter with a simple command for believers: keep yourselves from idols. Idols, of course, take various forms and shapes. For many American evangelicals today, common idols are political and cultural ones. So argues journalist Tim Alberta . . . Continue reading →
Audio: Selling Jesus—Dr. Clark On The White Horse Inn
R. Scott Clark joined the hosts of White Horse Inn to take a look at the ways in which consumerism and market values have influenced contemporary Christian thought and practice. Continue reading →
Biden Admin Seeks To Deport German Homeschooling Family (Updated)
The Romeike family was forced to flee Germany in 2008, because they chose to homeschool. Germany does not recognize the fundamental right of parents to homeschool their children, and only permits the practice in very narrow circumstances. When Uwe and Hannelore Romeike . . . Continue reading →
The Fatal Mistake Of A Reasonless Christianity
It is worse than useless for Christians to talk about the importance of Christian morality, unless they are prepared to take their stand upon the fundamentals of Christian theology. It is a lie to say that dogma does not matter; it matters . . . Continue reading →
McWhorter On An Alternative Doctrine Of Atonement
This brand of self-flagellation has become the new form of enlightenment on race issues. It qualifies as a kind of worship; the parallels with Christianity are almost uncannily rich. White privilege is the secular white person’s Original Sin, present at birth and . . . Continue reading →
On The Roots Of The Concept Of “Privilege”
Back in 1988, the concept of privilege did little to challenge racism or sexism. It reinvented discrimination as a fixed condition rooted within the biological differences between individuals rather than a social problem. The solutions proposed were therapeutic rather than political. Dominant . . . Continue reading →
Ken Myers: On "Browsing" and "Reading"
Ken Myers is always worth reading and hearing and this post is no exception. My advice is to print it out before you read it.
I'm Thankful For The Writers' Strike
Since I discovered how to subscribe to podcasts tons of stuff has been piling up on my iPod. As you probably have discovered by now, time is a zero-sum-game. If I’m watching the stupid and stupefying television (Newton Minnow was never more . . . Continue reading →
Reno on Harvard
Rusty Reno is a terrific writer who teaches theology at Creighton University (where I spent many an hour playing ball up on “the hill” in the old gym — where Paul Silas once plied his trade!). As we have come to expect, . . . Continue reading →
Bebe Rebozo's Friend Has A Museum
The Garmin worked great. Took me straight to the Nixon Presidential Library/Museum in Yorba Linda.