Rusty Reno is a terrific writer who teaches theology at Creighton University (where I spent many an hour playing ball up on “the hill” in the old gym — where Paul Silas once plied his trade!). As we have come to expect, . . . Continue reading →
Liberal Arts
Who Says That Latin is A Dead Language?
Thanks to Casey Carmichael (MA student at the University of Kentucky and sometime student at WSC).
Ken Myers: On "Browsing" and "Reading"
Ken Myers is always worth reading and hearing and this post is no exception. My advice is to print it out before you read it.
Justifying the Humanities (and Gordon's Concerns)
My experience, though briefer, is similar to that described by T. David Gordon in his new book, Why Johnny Can’t Preach (which is being surveyed on the HB). Since I began teaching in 1995 I’ve noticed a decline in the ability of . . . Continue reading →
Let Them Learn Latin (Latinam Linguam Comperiant)
At the Atlantic (HT: Alan Jacobs)
Is Humanism Evil?
David asks, The term “humanism” seem to incite disgust in most conservative Christians today but I have heard Calvin and other reformers referenced as “humanists.” What is the difference between the word’s use in that context and the present one? Renaissance humanism . . . Continue reading →