Heidelcast 93: The LGBT Movement And Free Speech

We’re interrupting the series Of Nice And Men for a two-part interview with Stella Morabito about an essay she published in The Federalist on the how LGBT movement is seeking to restrict free speech in the United States. This is not a theoretical issue. Consider this scenario: how often, when you want to say something you think might be controversial, do you close a door or whisper? We do this now because we’re afraid of social repercussions, fall out, from stating truths that are a matter of common sense, i.e., of universal sense perception. We live in a world where a noisy, influential groups tell us that we can no longer say that sin is sin, grace is grace, that there is truth and error, that there is creation and a creational pattern and order.Unconstitutional, punitive speech codes, intended to silence dissent and intended to create a climate of fear and thought control, are already in effect on publicly-funded state university campuses. Why would we think that they will stay on campus?

Stella writes about society, culture and education. She’s widely published. You can read her work in The Federalist, The Washington Examiner, The American Thinker, and at stellamorabito.net. She’s been an intelligence analyst, studying aspects of Russian and Soviet politics including communist media and propaganda. She’s a parent, a former public school substitute teacher. She’s currently writing about political correctness and she’s become a frequent guest on the Heidelcast.

Here’s the episode:

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  1. It’s not very nice to interrupt yourself.

    On a more serious note, I’ve begun to wonder whether or not the number of Christians in the US who identify homosexuality as sin may be a minority. I don’t intend to say Americans in general, but just within those who call themselves Christian. That or many just are very mild in their denunciations of homosexuality, which contradicts the criticisms of some that Christians emphasize it; even among Pentecostals I knew from childhood, they weren’t given to constant mention of it (usually associated with Sodom and Gomorrah). They referred more to men’s general promiscuity and infidelity from the list of sexual sins; this makes sense to me because men just sin much in this regard, and very openly among other men.

    May sound strange to some, but I live in Los Angeles so perhaps that explains my perception.

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