For some bible readers the Scriptures seem to be bits of unrelated material. For those who memorize Scripture from flash cards, a good thing to be sure, Scripture can seem disconnected. Others read Scripture as if it were entirely united around God’s temporary national people Israel. Still others put the reader at the center of Scripture. There is another way to read Scripture. It is not a new way to read Scripture. There’s good indication that our Lord Jesus himself read Scripture this way. He told us so in Luke 24 and in John chapter 8, to name just two places. The Apostle Paul says that all the Scriptures are “Yes and Amen in Christ.” The book of Hebrews says that all the believers who lived before Christ were looking forward to Christ and to his kingdom, to a city whose builder and maker is God. Moses considered the reproach of Christ greater than the riches of Egypt. Dennis Johnson joins us to talk about how to read and preach Scripture. We also discuss his latest book, Walking with Jesus Through His Word.
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A must listen to episode. No?… Yes! really! Dennis Johnson is one of the deans of the Church helping the saints to see Jesus Christ in the Bible. His book, Him We Proclaim, is a must read to that end (not to mention his new book highlighted in this episode which is now on my to-buy-list). Great questions by Scott Clark leading to illuminating responses by Dennis Johnson that guide the listener toward a better understanding and insight into seeing Christ Jesus as, not only the main character, but the author of the Old Testament. Great stuff…