In response to the post on Bob Godfrey’s Unexpected Journey, Arthur writes to ask, “So does someone who does not hold to every point of doctrine in the Reformed confessions be considered “Reformed”. More to the point, can a credobaptist not be . . . Continue reading →
restless and reformed
Molly Worthen on Mark Driscoll (and Calvin)
You should probably read Molly Worthen’s essay on Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill (HT: Justin Taylor). I don’t know if she gets Driscoll right. If (that’s a big condition. It means if the condition isn’t met then what follows is irrelevant) what she . . . Continue reading →
Settled and Reformed: How Many Points?
Philip, in the combox at Gene Vieth’s blog, reminded me to re-post the link to a terrific essay by Richard Muller on what defines the adjective “Reformed.”