Early in post-apostolic Christian history confused believers and heretics alike sought either to conflate the two natures of Christ, with the result that Christ was made, as it were, to have only one nature (the monophysite heresy) or to separate the two . . . Continue reading →
The Reformed Churches: We Distinguish But Do Not Separate The Two Natures Of Christ
Question 17. Why must he in one person be also very God? That he might, by the power of his Godhead, sustain, in his human nature, the burden of God’s wrath; and might obtain for and restore to us, righteousness and life. . . . Continue reading →
Calvin On Acts 20:28
…to shepherd the church of God, which he purchased with his own blood. But because the speech which Paul uses seems to be somewhat hard, we must see in what sense he says that God purchased the Church with his blood. For . . . Continue reading →
The Case Of The 8th Century Iconoclasts Against Images Of Christ
Wherefore we thought it right, to shew forth with all accuracy, in our present definition the error of such as make and venerate these, for it is the unanimous doctrine of all the holy Fathers and of the six Ecumenical Synods, that . . . Continue reading →
Turretin: What We Mean When Call Mary Theotokos, The Mother Of God
XI. Mary is rightly called the Mother of God (theotokos) in the concrete and specifically because she brought forth him who is also God, but not in the abstract and reduplicatively as God. Although this is not expressly stated in the Scriptures, . . . Continue reading →