What is the kingdom of God? How does it relate to daily life? What is culture? Is there such a thing as Christian culture? Is Christ Lord or are we “making him Lord” over all things? How should we think about educating . . . Continue reading →
Christ kingdom and culture
Not to Nag But…
If you’re thinking about attending the 2009 Westminster Seminary California faculty conference let me encourage you to act soon. Every conference but one has sold out and we’re expecting an early sell-out this year. Our speakers this year are W. Robert Godfrey, . . . Continue reading →
Christ and Culture Reading List (Updated)
Richard Wolfe wrote to the HB to ask for about reading that he and his pastor might do in preparation for the upcoming WSC faculty conference, Christ, Kingdom, and Culture. In response I thought of the “Christ and culture” volumes that were . . . Continue reading →
Videos Online Now: Christ, Kingdom, and Culture
Click on the banner above. The videos are online now. They’re free. You can download them in iTunes or watch them on the WSC site.