Brandon Witherow contemplates their relations.
Are Bloggers Human?
The act of blogging has come under criticism in both civil and religious spheres. Recently, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina) wondered aloud whether bloggers are protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Last week Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) raised . . . Continue reading →
Selling Short
My argument is not that learned monographs have no value (of course they do, whether widely read or not), or that blog posts are somehow superior as “scholarship” (of course they’re not), but simply that we might be selling online publications short . . . Continue reading →
Ten Steps To A Constructive Conversation
Recently I published a post on infant baptism (is it a Roman Catholic leftover) answering a question fielded many times at the HB. I answered in the negative and gave reasons why. Several days later a series of comments were written in . . . Continue reading →
On Ten Years Of The Heidelblog
I think I first heard about weblogs—hence “blogging”— sometime in the mid-1990s, while I was teaching at Wheaton College. It was a revolutionary new form of communication wherein a few people were writing the same sorts of personal things that they once . . . Continue reading →
Why The Heidelblog? Pulpits, Pews, Profs, And Plancius
From time to time I get the question, “Why do you blog?” This is my attempt at an answer. § The first time I remember seeing the word “weblog” was in 1995 or 1996. At the time it was widely regarded as . . . Continue reading →