Period | Time | Dominant Question(s) | Significance |
Christian Antiquity | Ascension to 1650 (Old World) |
What has God said? | Locus of authority is extrinsic |
Modernity | 1650-1914 (Old World) 1789-1968 (New World) |
Has God said? | Locus of authority is intrinsic (via rationalism, empiricism or romanticism) |
Post/Late/Liquid Modernity | 1914-Present (Old World)1968-Present (New World) | Who cares, who is asking, and what do they want? | Authority, what’s that? |
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- Office Hours: Carl Trueman Explains Why The World Seems So Upside Down
- Carl Trueman, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution.
- Bob Godfrey On “What’s Going on Right Now: Sex, Race, Politics & Power” (1)
- Bob Godfrey On “What’s Going on Right Now: Sex, Race, Politics & Power” (2)
- Bob Godfrey on “What’s Going On Right Now: Sex, Race, Politics & Power” (3)
- Bob Godfrey on “What’s Going On Right Now: Sex, Race, Politics, & Power” (4)
- Bob Godfrey on “What’s Going On Right Now: Sex, Race, Politics, and Power” (5)
- What’s Going on Right Now: Sex, Race, Politics, & Power with Dr. W Robert Godfrey (6)
- What’s Going on Right Now: Sex, Race, Politics, & Power with W Robert Godfrey (7)
- What’s Going On Right Now? Sex, Race, Politics, and Power (8)
- Bob Godfrey: What’s Going On Right Now? Sex, Race, Politics, And Power (9) With Bonus Audio
- Bob Godfrey: What’s Going On Right Now? Sex, Race, Politics, And Power (10)—The Darwin Effect
- Bob Godfrey: What’s Going On Right Now? Sex, Race, Politics, And Power (11)—Marxism