The self-described and so-called Federal Vision movement has been troubling the confessional (NAPARC) Reformed and Presbyterian denominations since before it had a cool name. It presents itself as Reformed theology but is only Reformed in the way that Arminius was Reformed. He was a Reformed minister. He was never convicted of error yet his theology was soundly rejected by the Reformed Churches at the Synod of Dort. The FV has been rejected by most of the NAPARC denominations in assemblies and in study reports. Nevertheless, that rejection has not always translated into successful prosecutions on the ground, most notably in three cases in the PCA. In cases in the Pacific Northwest, Siouxlands, and in the Missouri Presbytery the prosecution of particular Federal Vision cases has failed. So, what happened? That’s a good question and the Rev. Mr. M. Jay Bennett, pastor of Neon Reformed Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Neon, KY joins us in this episode and the next to help us understand what happened in one high-profile case. Jay is a young pastor but he has, as they say in the movies, true grit. He was deeply involved in the prosecution of PCA pastor Jeffrey Meyers in the Missouri Presbytery (PCA).1 It’s a fascinating story that you need to hear. In these episodes we get “into the weeds” (the details) of the case a little bit but if you’ve ever wondered how things work in the church, here’s your opportunity to peek behind the curtain, as it were. This is part 1 of a 2 part mini-series on the state of the FV controversy. Here’s episode 53:
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1. Here are some resources on the background of the Meyers case:
- Letter of Concern
- SJC: There Should Be A Presumption of Guilt
- Jeff Myers, Missouri Presbytery, and Covenant Theology
- Report of the Missouri Presbytery Ad Hoc Committee Investigating Allegations Against TE Jeffrey Meyers
- Meyers’ Response to the Committee’s Questions
- Report of the Complaint Review Committee Appointed to Respond to the Complaint Filed Against the Action Of Missouri Presbytery on January 8, 2011 In Finding No Strong Presumption of Guilt in the Views of TE Jeffrey Meyers
- Transcript of Proceedings (Meyers Trial) June 3-4, 2011
- Great Lakes Presbytery Overtures SJC
me thinks thou protests too much……….
It is:
How so?
I think the root problem is that it’s a lot easier to condemn words than people (see also, “The Internet (decline of civility)”). Maybe we just don’t have the balls (vitals) anymore because they’ve been kicked (struck at) too much?