You can find the text of the letter here. More coverage here. The letter was signed by 27 PCA teaching and ruling elders, including Joey Pipa, Jeffrey Hutchinson, Nick Willborn, Bob Mattes, Wes White, and Lane Keister.
Jeff Meyers
FV News
Wes White has an update on the Missouri Presbytery investigation of Jeffrey Meyers. One of the leading Federal Visionists thinks it’s a good thing.
Great Lakes Presbytery (PCA) Overtures SJC on Meyers Case
At its May 4, 2013 meeting, the Great Lakes Presbytery (GLP) of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) approved an overture asking the General Assembly to direct the Standing Judicial Commission (SJC) to hear the complaint from Missouri Presbytery (TE M. Jay . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 53: The Story Of The Meyers Case And State Of The FV Controversy (Pt 1)
The self-described and so-called Federal Vision movement has been troubling the confessional (NAPARC) Reformed and Presbyterian denominations since before it had a cool name. It presents itself as Reformed theology but is only Reformed in the way that Arminius was Reformed. He . . . Continue reading →