Introduction I first encountered the Reformed theology, piety, and practice (c. 1980) in St John’s Reformed Church, in Lincoln, Neb. There were a couple of fairly recent seminary graduates, who had both studied at the Reformed Episcopal seminary in Philadelphia in the . . . Continue reading →
triplex munus
Heidelberg 40: Why Did Jesus Have To Die? (1)
From a purely human point of view, from a historical point of view, from an intellectual point of view, there have been few historical figures as compelling and important as Jesus of Nazareth. Many regard him as a sort of Jewish Socrates, . . . Continue reading →
The Church Needs Prophets, Priests, And Kings (But Not Personality Types And Tests)
Through a good part of redemptive history, certainly since the inauguration of the Old Covenant (c. 16th century BC) there were three offices in the church: prophet (Deut 18:15–22), priest (Deut 18:1–14; 33:8–11), and king (1 Sam 8:19–22). The Old Testament prophets spoke God’s Word to the Old Testament national church and to the OT church in exile. The priests received the offerings of the people and mediated for them to God, and made the appointed offerings on behalf of the people. The kings succeeded the judges and ruled Israel or Israel and Judah) until the exile. Continue reading →
Are Believers Prophets, Priests, And Kings And In What Ways?
31. Why is He called Christ, that is Anointed? Because He is ordained of God the Father and anointed with the Holy Spirit to be our chief Prophet and Teacher, who has fully revealed to us the secret counsel and will of . . . Continue reading →