No, I’m not Joan Rivers but let’s not let that get in the way. When this blog began at the OURC website I had no access to site statistics. Since moving the HB to WordPress in December ’07 I have been able . . . Continue reading →
What Do Profs Do?
Darry Sragow is in the news and not in a good way. Watch the video of what Mediaite calls his his “greatest hits” below. What most of the media coverage has missed so far, is that he’s more than a political science prof, he’s . . . Continue reading →
Selling Short
My argument is not that learned monographs have no value (of course they do, whether widely read or not), or that blog posts are somehow superior as “scholarship” (of course they’re not), but simply that we might be selling online publications short . . . Continue reading →
Growing Reformed Churches: Doing The Simple Things
Church growth is a thorny subject. First there are the thistles of rationalism in which self-proclaimed experts offer to sell to pastors and churches a three-point program which will transform their average congregation to a super church. Back in the late 80s and early . . . Continue reading →
Teaching The Old Fashioned Way
And that is why I love teaching the old way, the way that is driven by a metaphysical conviction about the world and about truth. For me, this kind of teaching is an act of rebellion in this present age—an attempt in . . . Continue reading →