No, I’m not Joan Rivers but let’s not let that get in the way. When this blog began at the OURC website I had no access to site statistics. Since moving the HB to WordPress in December ’07 I have been able . . . Continue reading →
Machen On Revival And Controversy
I do not know all the things that will happen when the great revival sweeps over the Church, the great revival for which we long. Certainly I do not know when that revival will come; its coming stands in the Spirit’s power. . . . Continue reading →
There’s A Reason It’s Called The Church Militant
In other words, to engage in controversy is not merely to be one of Machen’s warrior children. It is to belong to the church militant. Read more» Jack Miller | “The Old Life Controversialist” RESOURCES Subscribe To The Heidelblog! The Heidelblog Resource . . . Continue reading →
How To Handle A Divisive Person In The Church
As society is presently ripped apart with divisions on every issue, the church is likewise bombarded with divisive people who are using the current cultural divide to mimic the culture and tear apart the body of Christ. Christians have to be acutely . . . Continue reading →