Pride month, and its commercial sponsors, is an appropriate key to understanding the priorities of the modern West. It celebrates hedonistic self-assertion. It mocks the values of the past. It uses the language of inclusion to exclude anybody who will not wholeheartedly . . . Continue reading →
Pride Month
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Hoodwinked By Pride And Erotic Obsessions
If anybody wants to understand what is happening to the public square in America—indeed, if anyone wants to know how America, or at least her ruling class, wishes to understand itself, they need look no further than Pride Month… For anyone not . . . Continue reading →
God Of The Rainbow, Even In June
In keeping with common grace, this year’s month-long celebration of sexual sin brought with it rain on the righteous and the unrighteousness alike, harvests for the godly and the ungodly alike, new life, and even the protection of life in the overturning . . . Continue reading →