via Libronix. (HT: Dennis McFadden)
post-reformation reformed dogmatics
PRRD only $79
Richard Muller’s Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics is one of the most important series ever published on the history and nature of Reformed orthodoxy in the classical period. This series is a “must have” and a “must read.” It’s on sale now at
Muller On Reformed Orthodoxy On Double Procession And The Filioque
2. The demonstration of the filioque: “double procession.” The traditionally Western trinitarian concept of the double procession of the Holy Spirit was consistently upheld by the Reformers and argued with some vigor against the Greek Orthodox view. The Reformed exegetes, moreover, understood . . . Continue reading →
Muller: According To Reformed Theology, Pagan Philosophy Knows God Naturally But Not As Redeemer
“Pagan philosophy knows something of God as creator from the order of nature but, ultimately, because of sin, fails to move from that knowledge to true religion and idolatrously confuses creature and Creator. Scriptural revelation, therefore, is necessary for us to have . . . Continue reading →