This Is A Trap

Dear pastors and elders. No matter how well intended, I'm rather afraid that your words are not always heard the way you think. Here, let me translate.(If you'd like to educate yourself, you can start here: — Greg Johnson | . . . Continue reading →

Repenting Of Our Agnosticism

For a few months I have been thinking about a phrase I first encountered in 1995 when I was teaching an introductory course in theology at Wheaton. We were using Alister McGrath’s reader as the primary text for the class and he quoted Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–45) as saying that, in Modernity, we must learn to live “etsi Deus non daretur” (as if God is not a given). Continue reading →

What’s Going on Right Now: Sex, Race, Politics, & Power with Dr. W Robert Godfrey (6)

In the sixth session of Bob Godfrey’s Sunday school class at the Escondido URC, he traces the effects of the Enlightenment upon the West. Drawing upon Carl Becker’s work he highlights  four key tenets of the movement: (1) that man is not natively . . . Continue reading →