Catechism And Catechesis In The Early Church

The earliest known example of a Catechetical work is the “Teaching of the Twelve Apostles,” which Athanasius names among the “books not included in the Canon, but appointed by the Fathers to be read by those who are just recently coming to . . . Continue reading →

You Shall Not Withhold Your Hand

You shall not withhold your hand from your son or daughter, but from their youth you shall teach them the fear of God. —Didache (c.90–130 AD) 4.9.

The Didache Calls Abortion Murder

You shall not commit murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not commit pederasty, you shall not commit fornication, you shall not steal, you shall not practice magic, you shall not practice witchcraft, you shall not murder a child by abortion . . . Continue reading →