UPDATE Daniel writes to report that some Seventh-Day Adventists are claiming that I agree with them and they are apparently appealing to this broadcast for support. Let me try to end this foolishness right here. Here’s my response to Daniel and to . . . Continue reading →
Conference Fun
Faculty Conference 2013
I have a special affection for CFA because of their food and because of their stand on the Sabbath. They still believe in the Christian sabbath. I mentioned it to a couple of their employees who were on campus serving lunch and . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 24: Give It A Rest—What Christians Can Learn From Chick-Fil-A
Your Creator wants you to take a break. I’m a Chick-Fil-A fan. Love the peach shakes. It’s one of the few places in this area where I can find real sweet tea. There’s another reason to like Chick-Fil-A. They love their employees . . . Continue reading →