We Expect the AAUP to Speak Up

An adjunct prof at the University of Illinois has been fired for offending a student (engaging in “hate speech”). What was that “hate speech”? He dared to contrast a natural-law approach to homosexuality with other approaches (HT: AR). RELATED POSTS Natural Law, . . . Continue reading →

The Intoxicating Power Of Moral Superiority

A while back some of us were discussing the problem of political correctness on university campuses, freedom of thought and speech, and speech codes. If universities were meant to be places of open enquiry, where theories may be proposed and debated, then . . . Continue reading →

A Growing Cloud

With the ongoing stramash surrounding Gordon College and its accreditation, the pressure is building on institutions of higher education with religious affiliations. The only question now seems to be: how many will stand firm? If an institution as prestigious and powerful as . . . Continue reading →

A Quiet But Radical Transformation Of The College Campus

The law professors’ criticism of this administrative overreach barely scratches the surface of a central problem that has led colleges and universities throughout the country to inflict massive changes in college and university culture. In their opening paragraphs, the professors write, “We . . . Continue reading →

Science Versus Groupthink

It’s become clear to me that it is not possible to undertake independent research in any area that touches upon climate change if you have to make your living as a professional scientist on government grant money or have to rely on . . . Continue reading →

The Intoxicating Power Of Victimhood

“If this is feminism, it’s feminism hijacked by melodrama,” she writes. “The melodramatic imagination’s obsession with helpless victims and powerful predators is what’s shaping the conversation of the moment, to the detriment of those whose interests are supposedly being protected, namely students. . . . Continue reading →

The Affective Revolution In Higher Education

…I have intentionally adjusted my teaching materials as the political winds have shifted. (I also make sure all my remotely offensive or challenging opinions, such as this article, are expressed either anonymously or pseudonymously). Most of my colleagues who still have jobs . . . Continue reading →

A Rational Alternative To “Safe Spaces” On Campus

The promise of a liberal arts education is to provide challenging, unpredictable, and even uncomfortable intellectual and interpersonal encounters in order to produce the capacity for critical thinking, open-mindedness, and critical self-examination in graduates who are less dogmatic and prejudiced than when . . . Continue reading →

Supreme Court In 1957: Academic Freedom Is Self-Evident

The State Supreme Court thus conceded without extended discussion that petitioner’s right to lecture and his right to associate with others were constitutionally protected freedoms which had been abridged through this investigation. These conclusions could not be seriously debated. Merely to summon . . . Continue reading →

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Academic Freedom And The Tiger

Academics who take advantage of their temporary ideological superiority in the university to suppress the freedom of expression of their ideological opponents are like those who, after setting loose a wild tiger, are surprised when it finally turns on them.

by R. Scott Clark on Monday, July 6, 2020, at 9:51 AM

Self-Censorship In The Post-Modern Academy

Each week, I seek out the office hours of a philosophy department professor willing to discuss with me complex ethical questions raised by her course on gender and sexuality. We keep our voices low, as if someone might overhear us. Hushed voices . . . Continue reading →