WARNING: this is graphic. If you click on this link you are responsible for what you see. This is not an inducement to click on the link (HT: Classical Presbsyterian). For those who don’t click the nub is that a an old . . . Continue reading →
Sideline Presbyterians
Mainline Presbyterians (PCUSA) Continue Decline
According to their own news service, the PCUSA (not to be confused with the OPC or the PCA or any of the other NAPARC (sideline) Presbyterian denominations) lost more members last year than at any time since 1983. They claim 2.1 million . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: From Mainline to Sideline
In this episode Office Hours talks with the Rev Mr John Bales, interim Library Director at Westminster Seminary California about his journey from the Protestant mainline (RCA) to the confessional Reformed sideline.