Quest. Now, whence comes this rootedness and firm stability of God’s children? Ans. Especially from this, that they are now in the covenant of grace, rooted in Christ, who is God-man, in whom they are firmly rooted. In Adam we had a . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast For June 12, 2022: Questions And Answers On Amyraldianism, Pentecostalism, And Much More
This is a question and answer episode. Scott from VA texts to ask about Amyraldianism, is it heresy and what does it have to do with the distinction between the sufficiency of the atonement and the efficiency of the atonement. Anonymous texts . . . Continue reading →
A New Devotional Drawn From The Works Of “The Sweet Dropper”
Many English (and Dutch) speaking Christians have a particular affection for and connection to that varied and complex movement known as Puritanism, usually described in this space as English Reformed theology. One of the English Reformed theologians to whom my friend Paul . . . Continue reading →